Not Your Ordinary Ghee-
It's Bilona Ghee!

We prepare our ghee from traditional Bilona Churned method, also known as Vedic Ghee making process. Never heard of it? No worries let us understand:

Here, desi ghee is obtain from curd. The process consumes about 30Kgs of curd just to prepare 1 Kg of ghee! As per our Vedas and Ayurvedic Shahtras, it has all the essential properties like: Omega 3 and Omega 9 essential fatty acids, enriches your tissues and helps in preparing ojas, contains 9 philonic oxidants, has vitamins A, D, E and K with other benefits. Bilona Ghee is not your usual machine made but rather it is hand churned curd that gets converted into your ghee.

Preparation of bilona ghee

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benefits over your normal ghee

Good for your heart- Vitamin K2 is an essential as it prevents your arteries from any blockages and ensures smooth blood flow. Thus reduces bad cholesterol level and ensures higher good cholesterol in your body.

Improved digestion system- Ghee is considered to be one of the most easily digestible fats in the body. We have a natural heat element in our bodies which ghee balances. Along with this, Ghee also keeps your digestion in place, prevents constipation and helps in toxin excretion.

Bilona Ghee balances out your hormones- Fats that we have in our body are mostly saturated in nature and only 3% is from other types. Vitamin K present in desi cow’s produce is a magic vitamin and helps in maintenance and building of other hormones and proteins. Presence of Omega 3 fatty acids in A2 ghee helps in many cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol levels are kept in check because of the presence of High-Density Lipoproteins in A2 Protein.

Apart from that, it helps in boosting your immune system, increases your resistance to various infections, has monounsaturated fatty acids, and high boiling point which makes it good for cooking purposes.

Invest in good heath!

Two primary reasons for differences in price point-

1. Bilona churning method is more costly than the normal mass production methods because of more man hours required.

2. 30-35 Kg of curd goes into making 1 Kg of ghee.

It is you who has to decide, paying for your health is an expense or an investment!?

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